FAA Part 135 Air Carrier Certification

FAA Part 135 Air Carrier Certification


Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE)
Appointed in accordance with 14 CFR Part 183.

Generate Your Plan of Action:
Private Pilot (ASEL, AMEL)
Instrument Rating (ASEL, AMEL)
Commercial Pilot (ASEL, AMEL)
Airline Transport Pilot (ASEL, AMEL)
Certified Flight Instructor (ASEL, AMEL)
This section supports:
Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE)
Certified Flight Instructor (CFI/CFII)
Administrative Pilot Examiner (Admin PE).
Pilot Applicants
You need to:

  1. Create a Login and Password!
  2. Submit your CLOA.
  3. Then, generate specific POA.

Certificate Level Testing / Checking Authorizations
SPE Sport Pilot Examiner An SPE conducts sport pilot certification tests and additional aircraft rating test as specifically authorized.
PE Private Pilot Examiner A PE conducts private and recreational pilot certification tests and additional aircraft rating tests as specifically authorized.
CE Commercial Pilot Examiner A CE conducts commercial pilot certification tests in rotorcraft, gliders, and lighter-than-air aircraft and additional aircraft rating tests, as specifically authorized.
CIRE Commercial and
Instrument Rating
A CIRE conducts commercial pilot certification tests, instrument rating practical tests, and additional aircraft rating tests as specifically authorized for airplanes, powered lift, and rotorcraft helicopters.
ATPE Airline Transport Pilot Examiner An ATPE conducts ATP practical tests for the original issuance of an ATP certificate and additional ratings as authorized. ATPEs must hold category, class, and, if appropriate, type ratings on their pilot certificates pertinent to the tests to be conducted.
SFIE Sport Pilot Flight Instructor Examiner An SFIE conducts testing for sport pilot flight instructor certificates, only in aircraft that meet the definition of LSA. An SFIE may issue a flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating.
FIE Flight Instructor Examiner An FIE conducts practical tests for the renewal and reinstatement of flight instructor certificates and additional ratings. An FIE is authorized to issue flight instructor renewals, reinstatements, and additional ratings on the basis of practical tests only. An FIE does not conduct practical tests for initial issuance of flight instructor certificates.
FIEI Flight Instructor Examiner Initial An FIEI conducts practical tests for the initial issuance, renewal, and reinstatement of flight instructor certificates and additional ratings. An FIEI is authorized to issue flight instructor renewals, reinstatements, and additional ratings on the basis of practical tests only.
PPE Pilot Proficiency Examiner A PPE conducts the PIC proficiency checks required by 14 CFR §61.58 for airmen who act as PIC of an aircraft that is typecertificated for more than one required pilot flight crewmember oris turbojet-powered, and operated under regulations other than14 CFR parts 91 subpart K (part 91K), 121, 125, 133, 135, or 137.A PPE does not conduct certification practical tests. The make and model of authorized aircraft will be included in the designee’s authorization (e.g., DPE-PPE-GIV). For PPEs limited to checking in flight simulation training devices (FSTD) for any make and model of aircraft, the CLOA will contain the limitation “limited to FSTD” for that make and model of aircraft.
TYPE Type Rating Examiner A type rating examiner conducts practical tests in aircraft that require the PIC to hold a type rating for a specific make and model of aircraft, as authorized, at all certificate levels. The designee must hold the type rating(s) on their pilot certificates pertinent to the tests to be conducted. The make and model of authorized aircraft will be a part of the designee’s authorization (e.g., DPE-TYPE-LRJET). To be authorized for a particular make and model of aircraft, the examiner must have logged at least 50 hours of PIC flight time in that aircraft type (25 hours for each additional aircraft type). However, in the case of an SAE, when authorized a group of aircraft, the designee needs only to hold authorization in the group of aircraft shown on his or her CLOA (no minimum PIC experience requirement). Examiners who are authorized to administer practical tests in an FSTD that is representative of an aircraft that requires the PIC to hold a pilot type rating, the examiner’s CLOA must list the phrase “[Aircraft type]-FSTD only”.

Certificate Level Testing / Checking Authorizations
Supported by This Website
ASEL Airplane Single-Engine Land This authorizes a designee to administer practical tests in small piston-powered single-engine land airplanes or small turbopropeller single-engine land airplanes that do not require the PIC to hold a pilot type rating. Prior to administering practical tests in a single-engine airplane that is turbine powered, the DPE must have logged at least 5 hours of PIC flight time in that single-engine make and model (emphasis added: turbine-powered single-engine airplane).
AMEL Airplane Multiengine Land This authorizes a designee to administer practical tests in small piston-powered multiengine land airplanes or small turbopropeller multiengine land airplanes that do not require the PIC to hold a pilot type rating. Prior to administering a practical test in a small multiengine land airplane, the DPE must have logged at least 5 hours of PIC flight time in that multiengine airplane make and model.
RECP Reciprocating This authorizes a VFEE to conduct tests or checks in reciprocating engine powered aircraft.
FIRE Flight Instructor Renewal Examiner A FIRE is authorized by the managing Flight Standards office to accept applications for renewal of a flight instructor certificate that is still current and for which the renewal process is merely administrative (i.e., a practical test is not required for renewal of the applicant’s flight instructor certificate). The FIRE must identify himself/herself as a FIRE on FAA Form 8710-1, Airman Certificate and/or Rating Application, when processing flight instructor renewals.

Currency Requirements
DPE 24 calendar-months -- Recurrent Designated Pilot Examiner Course Part 1 (Online) and Part 2.
Admin PE 24 calendar-months -- Web-Based Recurrent Administrative DPE Training (Online).

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